Three Questers

Three Questers
Ready for Action

Friday, March 26, 2010

Introducing One of Us: Hunter

I'm eleven years old with a flowing stream of passion for Christ. My family and I like to go on little vacations to see our relatives about every two years. I have a great education with a teacher named Catherine. And I LOVE to do art/craft projects.

This is my most recent project:

A Castle in a Can

You can see (above right) that I've begun to set it up. I used a Cool Ranch Pringles can cut into strips and taped back together.

You can see a side view of the finished castle that my friend Carson helped me create.
I said 'Hallelujah!" when it folded back together.
This project was the culminating event in our study of European history. I chose to put a medieval castle in a can for easy transporting. Carson chose to help me rather than create his own because he is more into cooking. After spring break he will make us a tasty treat. But that is for him to tell you about in our next introduction.