Isn't Carson a handsome fellow?
He eats his butter on rice crackers,
but his fellow Questers (below) eat wheat crackers.
when creating models of atoms for Science class.
We are three young fellows on a quest to do hard things before becoming teens.
Isn't Carson a handsome fellow?
He eats his butter on rice crackers,
but his fellow Questers (below) eat wheat crackers.
when creating models of atoms for Science class.
You can see (above right) that I've begun to set it up. I used a Cool Ranch Pringles can cut into strips and taped back together.
You can see a side view of the finished castle that my friend Carson helped me create.
I said 'Hallelujah!" when it folded back together.
This project was the culminating event in our study of European history. I chose to put a medieval castle in a can for easy transporting. Carson chose to help me rather than create his own because he is more into cooking. After spring break he will make us a tasty treat. But that is for him to tell you about in our next introduction.